Postnatal Yoga: Stabilising/ Strengthening poses

These group of postures help to rebuild core stability and strength after birth. They help with toning the transverse abdominus, rectus abdominus, obliques, adductors and pelvic floor. These poses along with the breathing, can help to regain full-body strength and stamina as well.

Always be mindful of your own limits, go gently and move with the breath.

  • Neutral-Spine Cat

In tabletop position with wrists under shoulders & knees under hips. Spread the fingers wide, and send the top of the foot down into the mat, visualising the toes lengthening towards the back of the mat.

Keep space between the body and the mat, and the spine neutral and long (don’t sink like a hammock).

Without moving the spine, simply allow the belly space to fill with breath as you inhale, expanding and softening towards the floor. Exhale and hug the lower belly back up towards the spine. Visualise a gentle hug as it lifts back up against gravity.

Repeat this for 4-6 breaths, plenty of space for the inhale and exhale, then take a break in childs pose or a comfy seat and rest.

  • Apanasana / Knees to Chest

Lying on your back with knees bent, drawing in towards your chest. Place hands wherever they are most comfortable on the knees/ shins/ thighs.

You can incorporate Bubs resting on your shins if you want to (once they can hold their head up) to add some extra weight to broaden and stretch your lower back, and incorporate some playtime together.

As you inhale, allow the belly to expand and soften, with the hands still connected to the legs (or bub for stability!), allow the knees to move forwards as you create space inhaling. You might feel the lower back lift a little away from the mat. Then as you exhale, use the core to draw the knees back in towards the chest, lift the tailbone up to the sky, and flatten the lower back down into the floor.

Repeat this for 4-6 breaths, then with the knees drawing in rock gently side to side to release the lower back (the weight of bubs on your shins can feel great here!). Roll over to the side to gently come back into a seat.


Remember less is more, and these are practises to connect you to your body, not force anything. Just the opportunity to take a few breaths in each shape whenever you can will also allow the nervous system to chill!

B x


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